You’re Pregnant! What’s Next?

Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is such an amazing journey that you and your family will be taking together. If you are considering a birth with a midwife, I would love to meet you. This is a time where we can get to know each other, ask and answer questions and learn about one another. Each mommy is so unique, I would love to hear your story and what has led you to consider a home birth. Feel free to write any questions you have before hand and bring them with you!

Hopefully you are not one of the many women who suffer with morning sickness during these formative months, but if you are, hang in there! There are things we have found to be useful to ease your discomfort.

1. Diet…diet…diet! Studies have shown that women with high protein/ low carb diets suffer less with morning sickness. Eating smaller protein dense meals throughout the day also helps to regulate your blood sugar and lessen sickness.

2. Ginger. You’ve heard it before, but it’s true. Freshly grated, crystalized or seeped into tea, this wonder root gives you plenty choices to suit your mood and tastes.

3. Papaya Enzymes. Taken in moderation, these are an inexpensive and yummy way to aid your digestion and deal with the extra stomach acid many women experience in their first trimester.

Unfortunately our sad (standard American diet) is highly lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients that our bodies desperately need. We can be proactive in fighting our downward

health trend by, first and foremost, choosing healthy food options. Cutting out processed foods, refined sugars and diet sodas are simple and easy ways to move toward healthier eating habits.

Once you start making food choices that benefit your body, we recommend adding a good prenatal vitamin and additional supplementation as soon as you find out you’re pregnant.

All vitamins are not created equal. I recommend a reputable whole food vitamin like JuicePlus for your prenatal, folate to support proper fetal development, and a good DHA like Standard Process Tuna Oil for aiding in brain development.

Take a Class

Whether you are planning a hospital or home birth, join us for a childbirth class.   We will talk about the choices you have, pain management, prevention, and coping techniques.   Register HERE.

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